Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch has over 20 years of experience in financial markets including investment banking, equity analysis and research and money management.

Previously, he was the publisher of Al Frank’s Prudent Speculator and CEO of Al Frank Investment Management Inc. He is the founder and editor of The Rational Investor.

Jamie earned his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters, Julia and Ellie.

Recent Articles

How “Lowe” Can You Go?

If the past few months have taught us anything it's to sell on strength. In other words, get out while the getting is good. While a company like home improvement giant Lowe's (LOW) is solid, the company is at the complete and utter mercy of the broader economy.

Nordstrom (JWN): Consumers Aren’t Biting

Proving that the high-end is not immune to the nation's current financial woes, luxury retailer Nordstrom, Inc. (JWN) reported that its third quarter profit fell 57 percent while same-store sales declined 11.1 percent compared to a year ago.

Glorious Food Stocks

In a market with very little that can be counted on, investors can find the same comfort by intently focusing on food. Sales of goods are plummeting across the economy, but food purchases are sure to hold steady. They always do even during horrible economic conditions like we now face.

Best Buy: When It Rains, It Pours

Every day it seems there's a new shoe to drop. On Wednesday, it was electronics retailer Best Buy (BBY) that put a scare into the market as it slashed its 2009 earnings estimate and called the current retail environment the worst in its 42 year history.

How to Turn Your 401(k) Into an 801(k)

Forget about the running joke about how your 401(k) has shrunk into a 201(k) -- this is no time to cry over spilled milk. Instead, this is a time for action. It's not too late to build wealth and prepare for retirement. Even if your account has shrunk significantly in value, you can recover. I'll show you how.