Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch has over 20 years of experience in financial markets including investment banking, equity analysis and research and money management.

Previously, he was the publisher of Al Frank’s Prudent Speculator and CEO of Al Frank Investment Management Inc. He is the founder and editor of The Rational Investor.

Jamie earned his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters, Julia and Ellie.

Recent Articles

Delta Air Lines (DAL): Running on Empty?

Delta Air Lines, Inc. (DAL) reported results today that missed expectations. The company lost, excluding items, $26 million or $0.07 per share. Analysts were hoping for a break-even quarter.

Dominos Pizza (DPZ): Getting Cold?

In a recession one would think that consumers would turn to deep dish pizza as a cheap alternative to more expensive dining options. But surprising, earnings for the quarter show that sales slowed significantly.

A Trader’s Guide for the Rest of the Year

If you are a trader, you will never find a time for riches like today. There has never been a better time to trade the market. Professional day traders and amateurs alike can make huge profits with the current environment as crazy as it has been.

PepsiCo (PEP): Suffering From a Sick Consumer

Consumer products companies are stocks that investors tend to favor during troubled times as people are always going to use soap, shave, brush their teeth and feed their families no matter what is happening in the broader economy. This time, however, things are different.

Morgan Stanley: Gentleman, Place Your Wagers!

In its current state it is entirely impossible to value MS. Your guess is as good as mine. About the only thing we know is once the dust settles the profit potential will not be nearly as exciting as the past.