Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch has over 20 years of experience in financial markets including investment banking, equity analysis and research and money management.

Previously, he was the publisher of Al Frank’s Prudent Speculator and CEO of Al Frank Investment Management Inc. He is the founder and editor of The Rational Investor.

Jamie earned his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters, Julia and Ellie.

Recent Articles

Washington Mutual: The Buck Stops Here

Washington Mutual, was taken over by JPMorgan Chase late Thursday, becoming the 13th bank to fail this year. And with the purchase, JPM becomes the largest bank in the country by deposits.

General Electric (GE) Battens Down the Hatches

No longer bringing good things to light, General Electric (GE) is battening down the hatches. In the midst of the biggest financial crisis to hit the United States economy since the Great Depression, one of our largest entities is throwing in the towel in the short term in hopes of riding out the storm in the long run.

Four Consumer Durables to Buy Now

As the crisis in housing and financials deepens with seemingly no end in sight, it’s not surprising that other sectors of the market with a direct correlation to those industries get taken down too. Consumer durables is one such sector.

Why It’s Okay to Sell

I've been watching the market drama very closely (my wife would say too closely) for clues as to what will be in store for the economy, credit markets and stocks once all of the dust settles.

Why Williams-Sonoma Earnings Got Burned

As the American consumer feels the heat from the fallout on Wall Street, job losses, high gas prices, declining stock portfolios and lower home values sure doesn't look like a great time to be investing in retailers specializing in non-essentials.