Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch has over 20 years of experience in financial markets including investment banking, equity analysis and research and money management.

Previously, he was the publisher of Al Frank’s Prudent Speculator and CEO of Al Frank Investment Management Inc. He is the founder and editor of The Rational Investor.

Jamie earned his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters, Julia and Ellie.

Recent Articles

How to Make Money in ETFs

How do you make money in such a difficult stock market? The old standby strategies of buying growth or buying value stocks haven't been working lately. And while some investors may have that innate ability to pick winning stocks, most don't. So what is the average investor supposed to do? Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are the perfect solution. Get three of my favorites here.

Sirius XM Radio, Inc. (SIRI): Profits on the Way

Stock traders and investors that make up the marketplace simply get it wrong on occasion.</p> When analysts get it wrong, investors need to pounce. Taking advantage of these market inefficiencies is one of the best ways investors can beat the market. Case-in-point: SIRI.

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