Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch

Jamie Dlugosch has over 20 years of experience in financial markets including investment banking, equity analysis and research and money management.

Previously, he was the publisher of Al Frank’s Prudent Speculator and CEO of Al Frank Investment Management Inc. He is the founder and editor of The Rational Investor.

Jamie earned his Master’s in Business Administration from the University of North Carolina. He currently lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Sarah, and their two daughters, Julia and Ellie.

Recent Articles

AIG’s House of Falling Cards

It's tough to watch grown men cry, especially when they are unemotional, conservative bankers. But before we all start to feel bad for them, we need to remind ourselves that these guys got rich off greed and the easy lending practices of the past two decades.

What Lower Oil Prices Mean for Your Portfolio

Barack Obama visited my hometown yesterday to talk about oil. He suggested that more oil could be saved by simply keeping tires properly inflated and engines tuned. When it comes to oil, I agree with him. We need to change our own behavior. Aside from the obvious environmental benefits, lower oil prices drive stocks higher.

Avoid Devon Energy (DVN) Like The Plague

Oil industry executives are partying like its 1999. Actually, out in the oil patch it looks more like the roaring 1920s as oil speculators rake in more money than they ever thought possible. And this is an industry in need of billions of dollars in tax payer subsidies?

Palomar Medical Technologies (PMTI) Reinventing the Fountain of Youth

Remember that song by Carly Simon, "You're So Vain?" I heard it on the radio the other day and thought it would be good song in an ad campaign for Palomar Medical Technologies (PMTI). Palomar sells lasers and pulsed light systems for popular cosmetic treatments that remove age spots or even that fading college tattoo.

Is Humana (HUM) On The Mend?

I think most of us would agree that our health care system is far from perfect. Thankfully, health care is now at the front and center of the political debate. No matter who voters choose to elect this November, health insurance companies will be an integral part of the solution.