John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik is the head options instructor for Market Taker Mentoring, and co-author of the eBook 3 Secrets to Making Money in Any Market. Get your complimentary copy of his option trading eBook.

Recent Articles

CTXS – Bump Up the Risk, Bump up the Reward

Citrix stock is attempting something of a comeback after some earnings volatility. Trade debit spreads on CTXS to profit off a rally.

Aim for the Stars With Constellation Brands (STZ)

This option strategy looks to take advantage of the long-term uptrend in STZ.

Play a Potential WFM Rally Bid With Spreads

If Whole Foods stock can suppress its urge to move lower in this unstable market, WFM stands a decent shot of moving higher once again.

BA – Spread Your Options Wings With Boeing Stock

Boeing stock caught a healthy tailwind following a positive third-quarter earnings report. Now, BA just needs to glide to let this options spread play out.

Put the Strangle on Potash Stock

Potash didn't disappoint the bears, posting an awful Q3 report. It's hard to say where Potash stock will go from here -- and that's good news for this strangle.