John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik is the head options instructor for Market Taker Mentoring, and co-author of the eBook 3 Secrets to Making Money in Any Market. Get your complimentary copy of his option trading eBook.

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How to Ride Mylan’s Steady Rise

A covered call strategy is perfect for this tortoise of a stock. The generic-drug maker is creeping to new highs without much overhead resistance.

Valero Should Keep Gushing Higher

Refiner Valero Energy expectedly gapped up after its blowout earnings report last week. Those bullish about a continued push upward should consider this options trade.

A One-Week Winner in AAPL

Who knows where AAPL stock will be in a year ... and who cares? This weekly options trade will profit if Apple shows a little sturdiness through next Friday.

Starbucks Still a Hot Commodity

Starbucks' most recent earnings once again showed how its coffees still are a "must" despite the expense. Play continued bullishness through call options.

Use Options to Play RIM’s BB10 Launch

RIMM stock is in a crucible ahead of its make-or-break release next week -- here are a couple of options spreads that limit risk while still getting you directional exposure.