John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik is the head options instructor for Market Taker Mentoring, and co-author of the eBook 3 Secrets to Making Money in Any Market. Get your complimentary copy of his option trading eBook.

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Trading Covered Calls in Your IRA

Covered calls: a neutral-to-bullish options strategy for all levels of investors.

Spring-Clean Your Portfolio with Home Depot (HD) Calls

Play the uptrend in HD with an at-the-money long call.

A Short-Term Trading Idea for Intel Bulls

Intel shareholders can earn additional income through covered call options.

An Options Strategy for Goldman Sachs Bulls

Goldman Sachs just took out month-long technical resistance; bulls can capitalize on this move with a long call.

Crossing a ‘Bridge’ to Covered-Call Success?

A steady uptrend and strong fundamentals make Chicago Bridge and Iron Company (CBI) a good choice for covered-call traders.