John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik

John Kmiecik is the head options instructor for Market Taker Mentoring, and co-author of the eBook 3 Secrets to Making Money in Any Market. Get your complimentary copy of his option trading eBook.

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Don’t Just Go Long on BBY — Go Diagonal

A combination of right-priced Best Buy options and a helpful chart setup puts the odds in favor of this BBY stock diagonal spread.

BIDU – Cash In on Baidu’s Surge With This Credit Spread

Baidu stock has doubled in the past six months, and traders can cash in on new support levels by using this put credit spread.

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TSLA – Rev Up the Profits With This Tesla Motors Credit Spread

Tesla Motors has been one of the hottest stocks of the year, and the company is expanding into China. Use this credit spread to profit on the popularity of TSLA.

Stream Some Profits With This NFLX Credit Spread

A recent Netflix survey on binge watching shows that viewers still love Netflix. Use this credit spread to profit on everyone's streaming addiction.