Johnson Research Group

Johnson Research Group

The Johnson Research Group LLC (JRG) is dedicated to providing investors with one thing – an edge. We know there’s no “holy grail” or “magic bullet” in investing. And we’re well aware that savvy investors know that, too. With that truth in mind, our mission is to create an edge so our followers can become more successful traders and investors.

How do we create that edge? With innovative research, a unique analytical approach and the experience to translate our edge into your investing success. JRG is dedicated to providing the highest-quality research and outstanding trading performance. We realize your success is our success. And we’ll do everything we can to make you a more successful investor.

JRG provides timely market commentary on stocks, ETFs and major indices as well as insight on activities in the equity options market. In addition to delivery through a number of media partnerships, JRG’s content and commentaries are also carried by major news television, on radio and in print.

JRG analysts are frequent commentators on financial markets and represent the firm at national investment conferences. The firm’s comments are regularly seen in national print media, such as Barron’s, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY and on the AP Newswire.

In addition to being a guest on several radio shows, Mr. Johnson and other representatives appears regularly on CNBC, Bloomberg TV and Fox News Channel as an expert in the field of sentiment and investor behavior, as well as technical analysis.

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