Jon Lewis

Jon Lewis

Jon Lewis has more than 20 years of writing and editing experience in various industries. Jon has spent the past 10 years in financial publishing, spending nine years as the managing editor of the nation’s leading options newsletters.

In addition, he has served as senior editor for various education products and services, primarily dealing with stock and option trading. Before founding JRG with Chris Johnson, Jon was the executive director of a leading options and financial research Web site.

Jon has authored numerous articles for Bloomberg Personal Finance, Active Trader,, On Investing, Trader’s Journal, Technically Speaking and Stocks, Futures & Options. In addition, he conducts numerous workshops at investor symposiums and for various investor groups. His expertise centers on option education and applying sentiment research to the analysis of stocks and sectors.

Recent Articles

Earnings Trade – Cephalon-CEPH Doesn’t Have the Right Medicine

This drug manufacturer needs a blowout earnings and outlook report to keep its rally intact, and chances of that happening are slim.

Earnings Trade – Express Scripts-ESRX – Just What the Doctor Ordered

Look for <strong>ESRX</strong> to extend its impressive earnings run and for the stock to break through its June highs.

Earnings Trade – Will Altria-MO Get Smoked After Earnings?

With the cost of a pack of smokes these days, you'd think Altria, owner of cigarette maker Philip Morris, would be sitting pretty.

Earnings Trade – Google-GOOG Getting ‘Binged’?

Anything less than a strong earnings report and outlook next week could send the bulls for the exits.

Put Options: The Best Way to Short Stocks

Find out how to limit your risk and gain leverage in the markets when placing a bearish short bet using put options.