Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates is a financial writer with over one hundred articles appearing under his byline in such periodicals as Newsweek, The Washington Post and Foreign Policy.  He was Press Secretary for a Member of Congress on the House Banking Committee, Speechwriter/Editor for the Investment Company Institute, and General Counsel of a publicly traded corporation.

He holds degrees from Harvard University, The Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University Law Center.

Recent Articles

Nordstrom a Top Riser Among S&P 500 Stocks

The index takes a run at finishing flat for the week.

Volatile Dow Jones Jumps 100 by Midday

Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and ExxonMobil among Friday's midday winners as jittery Dow Jones makes another move upward.

News Corp., EA Lead Charging S&P 500

S&P 500 up almost 3% in midday trading as News Corp., Electronic Arts and Kohl's all see significant gains.

Good U.S. Jobs News Buoys Dow Jones

Boeing is the lone down stock in day DJIA trading -- Bank of America, Caterpillar and Cisco head upward.

S&P 500 Stocks Overwhelmingly Down

Declining stocks on the S&P 500 outnumber advancers more than 4-to-1 during Wednesday day trading.