Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates is a financial writer with over one hundred articles appearing under his byline in such periodicals as Newsweek, The Washington Post and Foreign Policy.  He was Press Secretary for a Member of Congress on the House Banking Committee, Speechwriter/Editor for the Investment Company Institute, and General Counsel of a publicly traded corporation.

He holds degrees from Harvard University, The Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University Law Center.

Recent Articles

Dow’s Rally Blunted With 400-Point Midday Drop

A day after U.S. government says interest rates would remain low, the Dow plunges about 400 points by midday, taking Disney, Bank of America and Boeing down with it.

MEMC Up Big During S&P 500 Rally

S&P 500 jumps back after Monday's gouging; MEMC, IFF and Marathon Oil all make strong gains Tuesday.

The Dow Fights Back: A 200-Point Gain at Midday

Dow Jones Industrial Average creeps back above 11,027 during the day. Battered Bank of America, Alcoa among stocks riding Tuesday's good vibes.

S&P 500 Dips as Global Turmoil Continues

Sprint loses about 40 cents on Verizon labor problems; Cooper Tires' poor results send Goodyear Tire downward.

Dow Jones Jettisons 300 Points Early Monday

United States credit downgrade sends Dow Jones tumbling early Monday; financials Bank of America and JP Morgan drop.