Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates is a financial writer with over one hundred articles appearing under his byline in such periodicals as Newsweek, The Washington Post and Foreign Policy.  He was Press Secretary for a Member of Congress on the House Banking Committee, Speechwriter/Editor for the Investment Company Institute, and General Counsel of a publicly traded corporation.

He holds degrees from Harvard University, The Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University Law Center.

Recent Articles

Numbers Don’t Look Good for Bank of America

Bank of America already is in a world of hurt, and the numbers show no glimmer of hope in BAC's future.

E Trade, Cintas Among Winners for Flat S&P 500

Citadel announces intentions to sell holdings in E Trade, sending ETFC stock up about $2.

UTX, Microsoft Slipping on Slow Day for Dow

Techs Microsoft, IBM and United Technologies all hit Wednesday as Dow slides a little; Bank of America, JP Morgan tick upward.

IBM, Techs Help Dow Forget Global, U.S. Woes

IBM- and Intel-led tech surge pushes Dow Jones up in early trading; stragglers include Coca-Cola, Bank of America and Johnson and Johnson.

Harley Revved Up on Earnings, Home Starts Lift LEN and DHI

Up by almost 1% to over 1,317, a pick up of more than 12, theS&P 500 INDEX,RTH rose on strong earnings reports from the tech and consumer sectors.