Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates

Jonathan Yates is a financial writer with over one hundred articles appearing under his byline in such periodicals as Newsweek, The Washington Post and Foreign Policy.  He was Press Secretary for a Member of Congress on the House Banking Committee, Speechwriter/Editor for the Investment Company Institute, and General Counsel of a publicly traded corporation.

He holds degrees from Harvard University, The Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University Law Center.

Recent Articles

Volatile Day Sends These ETF Funds Soaring to New Heights – And New Lows

The S&P 500 INDEX, RTH suffered a sharp drop Monday morning, but many exchage traded funds and leveraged ETFs saw big moves up.

Low U.S. Hiring Hounds Alcoa, CAT and Dupont

Industrials Alcoa, Caterpillar and DuPont all down about 2% in early trading; Merck a lone bright spot for Dow.

Unemployment Slams Jobs Services, S&P 500

Employment industry's Monster, Robert Half among losers as negative U.S. jobs report hacks away at S&P 500.

Good Transportation, Jobs News Shines on Stock Market

Encouraging performances from retailers Target, Kohl's and Urban Outfitters lead Thursday's S&P 500 charge.

Resurgent Financial Stocks Offer Big Gains

Moody's report saying debit card changes could earn banks billions bolsters JP Morgan NYSE:JPM and Bank of America NYSE:BAC in early trading.