Karl Utermohlen

Karl Utermohlen

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7 New Year Resolutions Images to Kick Off 2019

We have compiled seven of the best New Year resolutions images to start off your 2019 right. Here are our favorites for you to pass along.

Best Diets for 2019: What Is the Nordic Diet?

What is the Nordic diet? The latest trend to make it into the US News & World Report's list of the best diets for 2019 is a Viking diet.

5 Best Diets for 2019: Mediterranean Diet Tops the List

The list of the five best diets for 2019 was released by US News and World Report, with the Mediterranean diet coming in at number one.

How Will the Government Shutdown Affect Tax Returns in 2019?

How will the government shutdown affect tax returns in 2019? If you're expecting a tax refund in April, it might be delayed due to it.

The Best 19 New Year Quotes to Ring in 2019

We have compiled 19 of the best New Year quotes in honor of the change of the calendar as we move away from 2018 and into the start of 2019.