Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a regular contributor at DailyFinance, and Earth2Tech and has been a contributing writer for Wired, Popular Science,, and

His work has also appeared in Salon, Consumer Reports, CNN Money, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Hollywood Reporter.

Previously, Kevin was a senior editor at The Industry Standard magazine, west coast bureau chief of, founding executive editor of Wired News and a reporter at Bloomberg News covering the collapse of the Japanese stock market.

He holds an MS from Columbia Journalism School and a BA from Reed College.

Recent Articles

LTE Chip in New iPad Bodes Well for Qualcomm

With its LTE-capable chip included in Apple's new iPad and other LTE-compatible devices, Qualcomm stands to have a terrific year.

The Real Positives in Apple’s iPad Announcement

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IBM’s Cutting-Edge Aura Pays Big Rewards

Big Blue comes closest to replicating Apple's brand image in the realm of corporate technology, giving investors good reason to be bullish.

What’s Unexplained in Google’s Earnings Flop

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Google Tiptoes Back Into China

It has little choice really, and while the move is still dicey and won't boost the stock now, it could have a big payoff in the long run.