Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher

Kevin Kelleher lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is a regular contributor at DailyFinance, and Earth2Tech and has been a contributing writer for Wired, Popular Science,, and

His work has also appeared in Salon, Consumer Reports, CNN Money, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Hollywood Reporter.

Previously, Kevin was a senior editor at The Industry Standard magazine, west coast bureau chief of, founding executive editor of Wired News and a reporter at Bloomberg News covering the collapse of the Japanese stock market.

He holds an MS from Columbia Journalism School and a BA from Reed College.

Recent Articles

Netflix Keeps Defying the Naysayers

The stock isn't cheap, but subscriber growth is trumping a drop in cash flow.

Twitter Merger Talk is Good for Twitter

Talks of merging with Facebook or Google only drives up the company's value.

Baidu Rally Runs Far From Reality Check

The "Chinese Google" has stretched the limits of stock valuation.

Netflix’s Streaming Push May Pull Down Profit

The company's move away from DVD delivery could hurt near-term margins.

Cree Shows Long-Term Promise, Short-Term Queasiness

It's more of the same volatility for shareholders of this LED-product maker.