Lawrence Meyers

Lawrence Meyers is the founder and editor of The Liberty Portfolio.

Lawrence is also CEO of PDL Broker, which brokers financing, strategic investments, and distressed asset purchases between private equity firms and businesses of all stripes.

He was the first U.S. journalist to cover the payday loan sector for The Motley Fool. He has been a frequent contributor to Seeking Alpha,,, and American Banker. Lawrence has more than 20 years of practical investing experience, and has covered stocks across virtually every sector of the market. He is one of the nation’s experts on consumer credit, and frequently consults for hedge funds and private equity via his Council Member status at Gerson Lehman Group, and as a member of Coleman Research Group’s Executive Forum. His op-eds and letters to the editor have appeared in more than two dozen major newspapers.

Recent Articles

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FIT stock only has one chance, and that's breaking into the medical device market.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Oracle Stock Here

Oracle stock has a long way to go before it can be considered a worthy addition to the portfolios of value investors.

3 Covered Calls to Generate $1,000 in Income

Investors desirous of new ways to generate income should think about covered calls, and these three plays will net you $1,000!