Luce Emerson is a former sell-side banker with a broad range of capital markets experience. She continues to follow markets closely, with a particular focus on retail, financials and entertainment.
JPMorgan has defied the expectation that they, like other megabanks, would hurt come earnings time. And JPM stock has delivered for shareholders in a major way.
With JD, the key is to ignore the noise in the market. Those who focus on the Company’s long-term strategy will see that JD is making progress in executing on its plan. And thus, investors with their eye on the future, won’t be tempted to sell prematurely.
For those investors with the foresight to have owned NVIDIA Corporation (NASDAQ:NVDA) at the beginning of the year, the investment has been nothing short of a home run. NVDA stock price has posted an incredible 74% gain YTD. That exceeds even the run up in the individual FAANG stocks. It’s been a spectacular year.
Kroger Co stock has fared just about as well as one would imagine in the face of the market’s concern about a permanent structural decline in the food retail and distribution industry—which is to say, extremely poorly. In fact, KR stock has actually severely underperformed the broader Food Retail & Distribution index, which is down a modest 15% compared to KR’s brutal 40% decline.
It’s not exactly the most contrarian stance to be bearish Snap Inc (NYSE:SNAP), but it’s hard to see how management turns this ship around. The numbers point to a tenuous position in the social media marketplace—at best.