Luis Hernandez

Luis Hernandez is the Editor in Chief at InvestorPlace. He manages the editorial team and oversees the content production for InvestorPlace premium products.

Prior to this role he was the Managing Editor/Head of Audience Development at InvestorPlace. He has held senior management positions at several publishing firms where he managed editorial, production and marketing activities.

Recent Articles

A “Highlights” Show for Stocks

In case you’re new to the Digest, Louis is a “quant.” That means his investing style focuses on data and high-speed computing power. He is as frustrated as many of the rest of us … waiting and waiting for the Fed to act on interest rates.

How to Survive as AI Ends the World as We Know it

In this environment, everything is changing, and investors need to be prepared to change with it. Today, we’re going to examine how.

Presidential Debate: Painful, Predictable… Perilous

Today, I’m sharing a guest essay from The Freeport Society's Charles Sizemore that explains how the economic policies proposed by both candidates hurt the average American consumer. More importantly, he talks about how you can protect yourself no matter who wins.

A Retail Stock Winner in a Down Market

A double-digit winner in an increasingly weak retail sector drives home the value of Louis’ Breakthrough Stocks service that picks small and medium-cap stocks based on strong fundamentals and institutional buying momentum.

The Fed Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing

In case you’re new to the Digest, Louis is a “quant.” That means his investing style focuses on data and high-speed computing power. He is as frustrated as many of the rest of us … waiting and waiting for the Fed to act on interest rates.

Opportunities in the Age of Chaos

It can be easy to feel confused and dismayed that the world is falling apart. But for those of us who are ready for change and know what’s coming… The Age of Chaos is going to be incredible. We’re going to see many, many, opportunities to accumulate wealth in the markets.

How to Pick the Market Winners More Often

Believe or not there are a few predictable things in the market. And knowing when and where these events take place can give you a huge edge.

Risk a Little to Make a Lot

When it comes to the financial markets, experts – the world’s best traders – avoid symmetry.

Accelerating Gains with AI Innovation

Like all things, technology is changing the 10,000-hour rule as well.

Why We Love ‘Set It and Forget It’ Trades

Using this SIFI method is just one of the ways that Jonathan trades without the fear that trips up many traders.