Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow is Assistant Editor at He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Finance from American University. Bastow worked in corporate banking and finance, and he most recently was Senior Editor at

Recent Articles

Big Day for Best Buy, Facebook — Thursday’s IP Market Report

Best Buy surged after announcing it would be launching Samsung stores-within-a-store, and Facebook headed higher after unveiling a new highly integrated app for Android.

Rolling Over Your 401k? Easy Peasy!

Whether you're funding an existing IRA or starting one up, 401k rollovers are an easy process. Just mind the forms.

Jobs Data Puts Stocks in Park — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Disappointing data in private payrolls and the service sector sent U.S. stocks hurtling back to the ground Wednesday.

3 ETF Winners for Retirement

Worried about a potential market retreat eating into your big stock gains? Consider reallocating with diversification and protection in mind via these three exchange-traded funds.

Healthcare Stocks Heat Up — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

A change in reimbursement rates for Medicare Advantage helped propel healthcare stocks Tuesday. That, coupled with positive economic data, pushed the major indices higher.