Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow is Assistant Editor at He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Finance from American University. Bastow worked in corporate banking and finance, and he most recently was Senior Editor at

Recent Articles

Wall Street Wants Office Supplies — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

OfficeMax, Office Depot soared on a potential merger Tuesday, and Staples came along for the ride to help lead a strong day for the broader markets.

4 Things to Watch for if You’re on the Apple Fence

A dividend hike? Some momentum? Hopefully, we'll see a few positives from Apple in the next couple weeks, including at its Feb. 27 shareholder meeting.

14 Companies Increasing Dividends

Among the companies juicing payouts this week were some big names like PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple, UPS, Comcast and Sherwin-Williams.

100-Year Bonds: Retirement Winners for Us Tortoises

Here's why to consider payouts that will go on long after you're gone: They're great for your heirs and for now, too.

Everything Must Go! — Thursday’s IP Market Recap

Wall Street got to wheeling and dealing on Thursday, with Heinz, US Airways and Bud among the day's big headline-makers.