Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow is Assistant Editor at He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Finance from American University. Bastow worked in corporate banking and finance, and he most recently was Senior Editor at

Recent Articles

After AOL’s Special Dividend: Stay or Go?

AOL's special dividend is now history, and although it was a nice bonus, investors are left wondering if AOL is worth hanging onto any longer.

Homebuilders’ Run Peters Out — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

A run in homebuilders caused by strong TOL earnings and a jump in housing prices fizzled out by Tuesday's end.

Merry Christmas! Here’s a Check From Oracle!

Oracle announced it will accelerate second-, third- AND fourth-quarter dividend payments into December 2012 to beat the coming dividend tax hike. Whoopee?

Before You Dive Into High-Yield MLPs and BDCs

Their rich payoffs come with tricky reporting caveats, but if you're informed you can find the rewards are justified. Here are some names to consider.

Morning Rally Falls Apart — Monday’s IP Market Recap

Monday's early-morning rally fell apart amid an unexpectedly poor ISM report and Republican skepticism on the fiscal cliff front.