Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow is Assistant Editor at He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Finance from American University. Bastow worked in corporate banking and finance, and he most recently was Senior Editor at

Recent Articles

Finally, a Break in the Storm — Wednesday’s IP Market Recap

Retailers surged on a host of positive earnings news Wednesday, and fiscal cliff worries eased for a day to land stocks in the black.

Special Dividends Are Sweet Rewards (With Strings Attached)

More than 100 companies have declared special dividends before year's end. They're worth chasing, but know the risks.

3 Dividend Stocks in the ‘Sweet Spot’

Fiscal cliff or not, income-producing stocks will remain key -- and your best bet is to find solid, fairly valued companies that can keep hiking payouts.

Stocks Crawl Under Congressional Cloud — Tuesday’s IP Market Recap

The U.S. got good news on the housing and consumer fronts, but a peep out of Harry Reid had stocks shaking once more.

Welcome Back, Worries — Monday’s IP Market Recap

The weekend wasn't unable to cure big worries here and abroad, and retailers suffered a Black Friday hangover to lead broader Monday losses.