Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow

Marc Bastow is Assistant Editor at He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Connecticut and a Masters in Finance from American University. Bastow worked in corporate banking and finance, and he most recently was Senior Editor at

Recent Articles

Nothing Left to Do but Vote — Monday’s IP Market Recap

Stocks traded slightly higher on the day, led mostly by a rise in Apple, though many investors shied off big moves before tomorrow's presidential election.

Don’t Risk Your IRA on Greed

IRAs are a great tool for retirement, but they also can be used to facilitate speculative investments -- and oftentimes, that'll get you burned.

Do and Don’t Retirement Tips from the Pros

An outstanding article in Washingtonian magazine on retirement planning provides some very helpful "Words of Wisdom" and "Pricey Mistakes."

9 Companies Increasing Dividends

The Sandy-shortened financial week still saw a number of companies increase dividends, including oil titan BP and cosmetics giant Estee Lauder.

The 10 Commandments of Retirement Investing: Part II

Sometimes, oldies are goodies. That's the case for these last five of 10 investing rules from years ago still can ably guide retirement planners.