Mark Sebastian

Mark Sebastian

Mark Sebastian is a former market maker on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) and is currently the Director of Risk for a private hedge fund.

He writes a popular blog,, where he posts his insight on the market multiple times a day. Mark’s writing can also be found in Expiring Monthly: The Option Trader’s Journal, which was launched in March 2010.

In Q2 2010, Mark became the Director of Education at, a new education service that specializes in trade structure, risk management and efficient use of capital.

Recent Articles

Put-Call Parity – Using Debit and Credit Spreads to Take Advantage of Mispriced Options

The only thing you need to take advantage of mispriced options is an understanding of a simple formula and a basic options strategy.

Implied Volatility – RIMM Implied Volatility Gone Bad

Many traders tout the predictive value of implied volatility, but there's a good chance it will lead you astray, as it did with some unlucky Research In Motion (<strong>RIMM</strong>) traders.