Michael Shulman

Michael Shulman

Michael Shulman is an author, writer, newsletter advisor and expert on financial trends and developments.

Michael began his career doing in-depth company and market analysis for a variety of companies, building databases and simulation models to estimate the success of various technologies across a wide range of market segments. He moved “inside” the high-tech community as a manager at high-tech companies including AT&T. Michael was an early private investor in several Internet start-ups, notably XOOM.com, which went public in 1998 and was bought by NBC in 1999.

Michael entered the financial publishing business formally in 2001 as director of research for ChangeWave Research’s institutional research business and as the writer and editor of Hedge Fund Investing. His current newsletters include Options Income Blueprint, Short Side Trader, The New Normal Investor and Madness of Crowds. Click here for more information about these services.

Michael is also the author of Sell Short (John Wiley, 2009) and Made in America: Inside Stories of Success (Otterbourn Publishing, 2013), a book based on four factory visits and a brief overview of the  myths and realities about surrounding US manufacturing. He has been published in a variety of trade and general business publications, including CD-ROM Today, Worth Online, The Motley Fool, Bonjour Paris and the Los Angeles Times and is a frequent guest on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” and Fox Business.

Recent Articles

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The Way to Make Money in This Jobless Recovery

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