Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley is a South Carolina-based writer.  He’s also a retired investment rep who reads everything he can get his hands on.

Recent Articles

10 Highest-Paid CEOs

The Associated Press released a list of the top earning CEOS of 2011, which is dominated by communications and technology leaders.

Facebook Privacy Settings Trip Up Randi Zuckerberg

A Zuckerberg family photo, intended to be private, went viral on Twitter this week because of one of Facebook's privacy settings.

Unintended Acceleration Case to Cost Toyota $1.1 Billion

Toyota Motor has agreed to settle a class action suit concerning sudden acceleration in its cars for $1.1 billion.

Dr Pepper to Roll Out 5 New 10-Calorie Sodas

Dr Pepper is launching 5 new diet versions of its sodas, all of them with 10 calories, in the new year.

13-Year-Old Gets Hasbro to Make Gender-Neutral Version of Popular Toy

A petition by 13-year-old McKenna Pope has led toymaker Hasbro to produce a gender-neutral Easy-Bake Oven.