Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley

Nate Wooley is a South Carolina-based writer.  He’s also a retired investment rep who reads everything he can get his hands on.

Recent Articles

Effective Alzheimer’s Drugs May Be Just Three Years Away

New research, both by scientists and the big drug companies, is leading to increased hope for sufferers of Alzheimer's disease.

Ford Tries to Give Lincoln a New Spin

Ford is rebranding its venerable Lincoln cars with a new name, a new image and a new attitude.

4 Things to Know About Redbox’s New Streaming Video

Some details have leaked out concerning the new Redbox Instant streaming video service. Find out when it will launch and how much it will cost.

‘Hunger Games’ Author Targets New Audience With Next Book

Suzanne Collins has a new, younger and more personal book coming out next year. It's called Year of the Jungle.

Setting Up Your New Wii U Will Take a While

The president of Nintendo has issued an apology to purchasers of the new Wii U console for the huge software patch the console needs.