Neil George

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9 Hot Stocks to Buy Now to Profit off Chinese Markets

These are some of the top stocks to buy if you want to make a play on the growth and strength of the Chinese economy.

The Top 10 Warren Buffett Stocks

Want to invest like Warren Buffet? Check out this list of the top 10 Warren Buffet stocks you should be adding to your portfolio.

Bitcoin: Buy or Sell Now & How?

Stepping into bitcoin as an investor can look scary, but there are plenty of different ways to approach this exciting investment.

5 Rational Biotech Stocks to Buy

These biotech stocks allow you to profit off the innovations that are giving us longer, healthier lives through the companies that make them.

5 Cheap Stocks With Great-Performing Companies

Finding cheap stocks isn't just about price -- it's about finding great companies that are trading at a discout to their actual worth.

8 Next Energy Solutions as We Pass Peak Oil

These energy stocks are poised to lead America and the world into the next era of power generation and storage.

Setting Your Portfolio Up for “Peak Oil”

We haven’t reached peak oil yet – at least not in the way Leeb described it. Instead, we’ve reached peak demand thanks to the pandemic. But if we presume the supply levels will one day peak, what are the right plays?

Better Ways to Play Oil and Energy

Oil used to be the stuff that the markets couldn’t do without. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meetings were met with traders, economists and governments around the world trembling with fear.

85 Million & Climbing: Why Pets = Profits for These 6 Companies

More households own pets than have children, and they'll pay to keep their furry friends happy. Here are 6 big pet stocks.

Cash in On Shipments Before They Leave Amazon

Most consumers are shopping and spending online with Black Friday-advertised sales hitting email inboxes and local television stations. These are just a few of the companies that you can invest in to capitalize on this trend.