Neil George

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Televised Dividends

Gray Television (NYSE:GTN) owns local networks in 91 metro markets in the South, Midwest and Southwest US, with 150 local stations carrying all of the major US networks.

The 10 Top Long-Term Stocks to Buy and Hold

These long-term stocks make great investments. You can buy them now, examine their fundamentals every month and profit for years to come.

Buy What the Fed is Buying

Through the special vehicles with credit guarantees from the Treasury, the Federal Reserve is making massive buys of US corporate and municipal bonds.

6 Vanguard ETFs to Build a Better Portfolio

If you're searching for funds, look no further than these Vanguard ETFs. These six picks represent serious income and growth potential.

There’s Nothing Fake About These 10 Artificial Intelligence Stocks to Buy

There's nothing "artificial" about these AI stocks to buy now. Each represents cutting-edge technology, and offers solid income along the way.