Neil George

Recent Articles

Verizon Communications Inc and Regions Financial Corp Are Great Buys Right Now

As the market transitions, this pair of companies are well positioned for significant total returns, including their dividends.

3 Terrific Telecom Dividend Stocks

Telecom companies have a firm hold on their customers, guaranteeing revenues. These 3 telecom dividend stocks pay it forward to investors.

How to Get a Tax-Free, 9% Monthly Dividend Yield

Here's everything investors need to know about municipal bonds and how to get exposure to a high yield, tax free.

There’s a Time and Place for Everything

As I take the helm of Profitable Investing, the portfolio is well-placed for the time, as there continue to be many stocks that are not just hanging in there, but thriving.

Facebook, Inc. Reveals Risk That Investors Had Ignored

Facebook has been getting in trouble for not being careful with access to the data it collects -- but also just for the sheer amount of information it collects. Investors beware.