Paul Ausick

Recent Articles

Chesapeake Energy (CHK) Monetizes More Production to Aid Debt Reduction

It's really not news any more when Chesapeake Energy Corp. (NYSE: CHK) sells another asset. The company has been steadily selling assets and exchanging production for cash for about two years now.

Iraq Says Crude Oil Reserves Up by 24%

Iraq has officially increased the size of its proved crude oil reserves by 24%, from 115 billion barrels to 143.1 billion barrels. The increase moves the country up from third place in the league tables, passing Iran with 137 billion barrels, but still lagging far behind Saudi Arabia's 265 billion barrels.

Sinopec Buys Into Brazilian Oil Project

China oil gian Sinopec is buying a 40% stake in Repsol Brazil for $7.1 billion.

BP Damages Swell to $11 Billion as Company Pledges Assets

In just one month, the claims filed against BP plc (NYSE: BP) on behalf of individuals and businesses claiming damages from BP's Macondo well disaster have doubled.

Nokia Delivers New Smartphone

Just one week ago, Nokia Corp. (NYSE: NOK) said that it would be delaying shipment of its long-awaited N8 smartphone due to some unspecified fixes that still needed to be completed. The N8 is still months late, and even though the phone is shipping now, early customers won't actually receive the phones until early October.