Paul Carton

Paul Carton, Ph.D., is Vice President of Research at ChangeWave Research. Dr. Carton co-founded the ChangeWave Research operation in 2000 and oversees all of its components, including data analysis and research report writing. Dr. Carton has an extensive background in online survey research and the development of Internet research communities.

Prior to joining ChangeWave Research in 2000, he worked as a survey researcher and consultant for the Boston-based firm of Marttila and Kiley, Inc. He was also Vice President of Research and Management Systems Inc., where he helped develop some of the first Internet communities for research and education in the US.

Dr. Carton’s research has been published in a wide range of journals and publications including Nieman Reports (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Nieman Foundation at Harvard University), Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (Washington, DC) and Future Choices, (Washington, DC: Youth Policy Institute) — along with hundreds of news media publications.

He holds a Ph.D. in Policy Analysis from the School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo.

Recent Articles

Massive Breakdown in Consumer Spending

If you think October was bad for U.S. retailers, wait till you see what's in store for November. ChangeWave's latest consumer spending survey shows yet another giant downturn in U.S. consumer spending going forward. The survey of 2,763 U.S. consumers focused on spending patterns for the next 90 days, including the holiday season. Here's what we found.

Consumer Shock: Spending Takes a Big Turn for the Worse

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