Paul R. La Monica
Digital Correspondent, CNNMoneyPaul R. La Monica is an assistant managing editor at CNNMoney where his daily column, “The Buzz,” focuses on the big market and macroeconomic news of the day. He also oversees the site’s markets, economy and technology coverage, is a regular contributor to the site’s daily video reports and tweets voraciously at @LaMonicaBuzz.
Paul joined CNNMoney in November 2001 and has covered the business of media and entertainment, writing the “Media Biz” blog for the site. He is also the author of the book Inside Rupert’s Brain, about News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch. Before taking over the entertainment beat, Paul covered the technology sector for more than two years and wrote the twice-weekly “Tech Biz” column.
Prior to joining CNNMoney.com, Paul was an editor at Red Herring and was the author of the “Fish or Cut Bait” investing column for that magazine’s website. From April 1998 through May 2000, he was a writer at SmartMoney.com and author of the popular “Rational Exuberance” investing column. He has also covered the mortgage banking industry at the daily newspaper American Banker and was a feature writer for Financial World magazine.