Peter Cohan

Peter Cohan

Peter Cohan is president of Peter S. Cohan & Associates, a management consulting and venture capital firm he founded in 1994. By conducting over 150 consulting projects, he has helped governments and businesses to identify, evaluate and profit from growth opportunities that spring from new technologies. Three of his portfolio companies were sold for a total of $2 billion.

He teaches business strategy to undergraduate and graduate students at Babson College — BusinessWeek ranked its undergraduate strategy department #2 in the U.S.

AchieveMax ranked his eighth book, You Can’t Order Change: Lessons From Jim McNerney’s Turnaround at Boeing, the #1 business book of 2009. His ninth book, co-authored with Srini Rangan, is Capital Rising: How Capital Flows Are Changing Business Systems All Over the World— that Choice called “important, well-researched, socially-responsible, and groundbreaking.”

He has appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS’s Evening News and Early Show, CNBC, CNN, and PBS’s Nightly Business Report as well as on NPR’s MarketPlace. And he’s been quoted in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time, BusinessWeek, and Fortune.

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