Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Cash Is Safe, Isn’t It?

Folks have grown accustomed to viewing money market funds as "cash equivalents," but not all money funds are created equal. Some, in an effort to show a higher yield, have occasionally purchased IOUs that aren't quite as safe as you might like. Click here to find out how to protect yourself and to learn the best places to squirrel your cash away.

3 Conservative Mutual Funds on Sale

I've been a fan of closed-end funds for a long time. But what are these strange critters, anyway -- and what's so great about them? Find out here, plus get details on three of my current favorites.

How to Prepare for the Obama Tax Trap

The financial media just isn't telling you about the massive tax trap that's coming your way and its potentially devastating impact. This tax trap could cost investors billions, which is why it's critical that you reposition your assets now. Let me help get you started with several stocks and mutual funds you should sell now.

How to Profit Despite the Gyrating Dow

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How to Spot a Market Bottom

I'm not yet convinced this bear market is about to end. Chances are, the blue chip stock indexes will revisit recent lows sometime in the spring of 2009, perhaps before. How will we know when we've hit bottom? There is no official proclamation when it happens, but here are some of the key ingredients to look for. Plus, what you should be doing now to minimize risk and maximize profits.