Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Bonds: Safety in the Bargain Bin

One curious result of the ongoing credit crunch is that many conservative income investments have been thrown out with the junk. This is a rare opportunity to boost your yield without taking much (if any) additional risk. Let me tell you about an authentic bargain that we haven't seen in six years.

Funds to Buy and Sell in These Tricky Times

It's been a disastrous year for many mutual fund managers. Even some of the greats have stumbled. And that's precisely what makes it tricky to decide which funds you should hang on to during this year-end tax-selling season, and which you should cut loose. So, let's talk about one top fund that makes the grade and the names of several mismanaged funds to sell now.

Making Sense of This Crazy Market

A market collapse of the magnitude we've recently experienced raises serious questions: How long will it last? And what exactly should you be doing now? Read on for my take on where this market is headed and two recommendations you can jump on now for short- and long-term gains.

How to Keep Your Money Out of Harm’s Way

Giant banks, brokers and insurers are swaying in a financial hurricane, and some are blowing right over. Now more than ever, it's essential to know who the strongest, healthiest providers are. Only these folks deserve to be the stewards of your money. So, of the guarantees floating around today, which ones can you trust? Keep reading to find out.

Profit from the Market Meltdown

Without a doubt, investors were left shaking their heads with more questions than answers. Has the market finally bottomed? Are my investments safe? What is the proper portfolio balance for my portfolio in today's shaky financial times? All good question investors need answers to in these uncertain times!