Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Tactical Stock Market Tips

We're at a strange, uncomfortable point in the stock market cycle. The old downtrend is far advanced, but the new uptrend is questionable. How are we supposed to handle this volatile environment? Maintaining adequate cash reserves certainly helps. But there's more you can do to squeeze a real financial benefit from this sinking market. The best stock market tip I can give you is to think tactically.

Is a Dollar Comeback in the Works?

Is a dollar comeback in the works? Impossible! That's the conventional wisdom these days. But after seven years of declining almost nonstop against the euro, the bruised-and-battered greenback has begun to stir in recent weeks. It may be too soon to tell if the trend has changed, but whether the dollar weakens or gains strength, there's plenty of room to profit!

There’s Safety in Technology Stocks!

Back in the late 1990s, no price was too high to pay for a young, dynamic company with boundless growth potential. That dream crashed and burned, of course, in the bear market of 2000-2002. But believe it or not, some of yesterday's tech darlings have returned!


Are you prepared for the Obama Capital Gains Massacre? Let me say right up front-this is not about politics. This is about your pocketbook. Whether you're voting for Obama or McCain, you should read on to learn about what you may face very soon!

Three Tips to Survive a Recession

Nobody can deny that the market has been through some very painful days this past year, leaving many portfolios feeling the painful effects. However, all of this damage can easily be avoided. It is indeed possible to survive a recession and I would like to teach you how with the following three tips.