Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Beyond November: Politics and Your Money

Elections do matter for your investments and presidential elections more than most. That doesn't mean your portfolio will go to pieces if one candidate or the other wins the November sweepstakes, but it does mean you should consider how political developments are likely to affect your holdings. And you should do it now, before the partisan rhetoric of the campaign heats up!

Avoid Market Chaos with Annuities

If you're among the many investors out there finding themselves lost and confused amidst all of today's market turmoil, then I have one simple and easy way to bring your portfolio back to life. It's far from a new tool. No, it's more of what I like to call a "vintage" investment strategy.

Dump Oil Stocks: Don’t Risk Your Future

With gas prices constantly making front-page news, oil stocks are highly volatile. So, why take the risk of investing in an oil stock set for a wild ride when you can instead invest money in a more reliable natural resource stock that will literally allow profit to flow in with ease?

You Still Need Stocks, Just Not the Headaches!

After five down months in a row, stocks finally showed signs of life. But is this the real deal? It's just too early to say for sure. Here are 3 ways to make your investing less stressful during this turbulent time.

Two Funds for Troubled Times

These are uneasy times for investors. The economy is soft. Oil and gas prices are sky-high. Credit worries abound. On top of it all, the 2008 election looms with the prospect of higher taxes. But with all of these things to worry about, investors can still chart a safe financial course with these two mutual funds.