Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

The Safest Way to Invest Overseas

<p>With the Dow gyrating wildly and the dollar sinking to record lows, is it time to step up your overseas investments?<strong> </strong>Well, yes—but not quite the way most gurus are advising.</p> <p> With a few notable exceptions, foreign stock markets, especially the "emerging" bourses, have skyrocketed in recent years, particularly in dollar terms. For a U.S.-based investor, bargains are getting harder to find.</p> <p>However, there's a nifty back-door entry into the arena of global growth—and the seats are cheap, too. Many of America's largest and best managed companies earn a hefty chunk of their sales and profits outside our borders. By plugging these stocks into your portfolio, you can ride the global economic boom more safely and efficiently than if you dabbled in stock markets from Paris to Shanghai.</p> <p>Let me introduce you to some of these multinational gems, all poised to deliver a total return (dividends plus capital appreciation) that could stretch as high as 25%–35% in the coming year.</p>

Gone Fishin’ (For Bailout Stocks)

<p>Until this summer, investors really hadn't seen a real live run on a bank since the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s. If this were a movie, we'd all be lost at sea, frantically bailing out our lifeboats just to stay a float.</p> <p> Richard Band here—and not only do I love to sail, I love bailouts. Give me a bucket and a prime takeover opportunity, and I'm all over it like Blackbeard discovering a buried treasure.</p> <p> Bailouts have been very good to me over the years and have made my subscribers very wealthy.</p> <p> They've been pretty good to Warren Buffett, the so-called "Oracle of Omaha" too. In fact, Warren Buffett recently made his intentions quite clear: He set sail with a $50 billion harpoon and a taste for a big whale named Countrywide Financial. So when rumors surfaced that he might hunt down Countrywide, no one was <em>less</em> surprised than me. After all, this is the guy behind the Salomon Brothers bailout in 1991.</p> <p> Today, I'm going to give you 5 bailout bargains to help your portfolio stay afloat until this subprime mortgage mess blows over. Let's start with the 3 that will double your money in the next year or two—</p>

Playing Follow the Leader With Industry Insiders

<p>Over the past several months, I have been telling my readers that the stock market would put on its grand finale for 2007 during the fourth quarter. Well, the time is here, ladies and gentlemen, now that Ben Bernanke has lit the fuse! We may hear a couple of empty hisses in early October as this company or that announces less-than-stellar third-quarter earnings. But mark my words, as the month wears on, it will become clear as day that the market wants to be unleashed and shoot higher. I'm fully invested and ready to take off…and so are the titans of Wall Street!  </p> <p>While Ben Bernanke does his thing to rev up business activity (and indirectly, share prices), America's corporate chieftains are already signaling that they think the September Fed rate cut will pay off. During the month of August alone, officers and directors of some of the nation's publicly traded companies bought $465.5 million of their own stock—the highest monthly total since 1990.</p> <p>Insider purchases don't have to be large or flashy to be significant. In many cases, the mere fact that an insider is buying stock with his or her own money (rather than free stock via stock options) shows that the insider sees real value in the stock.</p> <p>Historically, corporate insiders have shown an uncanny knack for scooping up their own stock near important market lows.</p>

Gurus You Should Listen to And Those You Need to Ignore!

Investment professionals don't act on every investment tip they hear. And neither should you. The key is to figure out which market movers are worth paying attention to and which ones aren't even worth your time. Find out how I do just that here.

3 Must-Follow Rules for Your 401(k)

Millions of investors are going to get the shock of their investing lives when they begin to withdraw their funds from their 401(k). And it's not the good kind of shock either. I don't want to see that happen to you. I don't want you to see years of struggle, saving and investment not pay off–ultimately setting back your standard of living during what should have been your golden years. That's why you must know the new rules of 401(k) investing. Let me share them with you now, and I'll even give you a sneak peek at one of my top stock recommendations.