Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Sandy’s Aftermath May Provide a Market Lift

Hurricane Sandy's damage estimates are less than expected, and while the area cleans up stocks might rebound with oil leading the way.

The Bull Is Dying a Death by a Thousand Cuts

The selloff at Amazon and Apple is a forewarning of a general risk in the bull market, and investors would be wise to stick to solid, long-standing players.

Buying Solid Stocks in Small Bites For Best Results

The spring euphoria on stocks has chilled heading into the autumn, and savvy investors should take the opportunity to pounce on good bargains

3 Things to Do Now to Avoid Higher Taxes in 2013

The odds are high that income tax rates will go up in 2013. Here are three things that you can do now to lower your tax liability.

It’s Nice to Float on the Autumn Air

Markets are up despite some widespread bad news, and these three stocks still look like solid long-term plays