Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

Peace, Love and Happiness in the Market

Market conditions at least viewed through the lens of the VIX are looking good at this point, but investors should not jump in too soon.

Today’s Investment Strategy: Sell More Than You Buy

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The S&P Market Rally Case Needs Revisiting

Stock markets continue to rally as news from Europe settles down and earnings show some strong gains. The rally is a bit surprising from a technical perspective

Dr. Draghi Delivers a Drag On the Market

ECB president Mario Draghi did not deliver any uplifting news, but four stocks we hold increased dividends, rewarding shareholders for the long term

Europe’s Three Magicians

Last week's announcement by eurozone members regarding their Union was met with glee by the Street, but keeping an eye on bigger trends is just as critical