Richard Band

Richard Band

Richard Band is the author of Contrary Investing, in addition to numerous investment monographs. He has appeared on financial radio and TV and has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, Forbes and other leading publications. Richard graduated from Yale University, magna cum laude, and has been a respected investment commentator since 1982.

Recent Articles

The Bears Have Got it Wrong About the Stock Market

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Prepare: The End Is Nigh

This sneaky three-month stock market "correction" is almost over. Yesterday's trading held the clue. Here's what to do now.

Back to the Base! As Market Slides, Seek Shelter in Bedrock Stocks

The market staged an orderly retreat with J.P. Morgan Chase NYSE:JPM, McDonald's NYSEMCD and Raytheon NYSE:RTN showing excellent relative strength

Market Passes Sell Off Test, so Expect a Surge Soon

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Advance Token to GO or Play it Safe?

Every once in a while, stocks blast out of a narrow base and never look back.