Richard Young

Richard Young

Richard (Dick) Young is the editor of Intelligence Report, a conservative investment advisory service with a simple focus: diversification and patience built on a foundation of value and compound interest.

In 1989, Dick founded Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd., an investment advisory firm. He is currently the head of global investment strategy for the firm, which Barron’s ranked as one of the top independent advisors in the nation for 2012 & 2013.

Dick Young began his career in 1964 with Clayton Securities in Boston after earning a B.S. in investments from Babson College.

Recent Articles

Investing in Canada: 3 Top Stocks to Buy Now

Water, grain, gold, uranium, timber, oil sands, infrastructure, a strong currency and a burgeoning China market make Canada the top destination for your money. Here are three top Canadian stocks you should buy now to maximize your returns in 2009.

7 Stocks That Can Buck This Recession

Mortgage default rates are soaring. The days of easy credit are O-V-E-R. Home prices recently produced their sharpest decline on record. Jobless claims have surged to a 26-year high. But now is not the time to panic. Instead, ride out the turbulence with comfort -- and a considerable promise for profit -- with 7 stocks that can buck this recession.

2 Stocks Cashing In On High Food Costs

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Will China Destroy the U.S.?

China's shift from sweet to sour is one of the most dangerous developments of the last year. The media treats it as a sideshow, but in fact it's one of the leading causes of the destruction of value in U.S. markets. To put it bluntly: Any U.S. company that has drunk from the poisoned well of China faces a horrible future. This is the real story of 2009. Learn more here.

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