Richard Young

Richard Young

Richard (Dick) Young is the editor of Intelligence Report, a conservative investment advisory service with a simple focus: diversification and patience built on a foundation of value and compound interest.

In 1989, Dick founded Richard C. Young & Co., Ltd., an investment advisory firm. He is currently the head of global investment strategy for the firm, which Barron’s ranked as one of the top independent advisors in the nation for 2012 & 2013.

Dick Young began his career in 1964 with Clayton Securities in Boston after earning a B.S. in investments from Babson College.

Recent Articles

Global Revolt Melts Down U.S. Financials

Freddie, Fannie? Lehman, Merrill? Citigroup, General Motors? The biggest mistake you can make now is: wait. Wait for the market to come back, for the credit crisis to resolve. And worst of all: wait for the election. Prosperity is within your grasp, but you do have to reach out for it. Get details here on how to successfully navigate the upcoming shocks of the economy and profit.

China’s Bullish Market

Investors have wondered where to invest outside the United States. And many have looked to China, but there are many more attractive emerging markets to invest in than China. Some other countries of interest are Vietnam, Argentina, and Colombia.

The Real Issues of This Election

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