Rick Pendergraft

Rick Pendergraft

Rick Pendergraft has been involved with the stock market for over 25 years — studying, trading, writing about it and doing investment management. He started his investment publishing career at Schaeffer’s Investment Research, where he thrived in his new position and twice received the award for “Top Trader.”

Rick continued his career at Agora Publishing, helping launch the investment division Investor’s Daily Edge. At Agora, he narrowed his focus specifically to ETFs. Since his days at Schaeffer’s, he saw the potential of ETFs and the massive growth in terms of offerings as well as interest from investors.

Rick felt so strongly about ETFs that he launched PRO Investment Management which focuses on using ETFs to manage client portfolios. Its objective is to protect and grow client investment portfolios by using a blend of equity and fixed-income ETFs. The goal is to provide a steady growth rate while trying to avoid big setbacks like investors saw in the overall market from 2000-02 and again in 2007-09.

Rick has developed a loyal following of readers who are grateful for his timely warnings and profitable advice. He is widely recognized as a market expert and has been quoted by Reuters, BusinessWeek, Forbes, USA TODAY, The New York Times and the Washington Post. He has also been interviewed on CNBC, Bloomberg and Fox Business News.

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