Robert Martin

Robert Martin

Robert Martin is a blogger who covers consumer and financial news with a nod to the stock market. He enjoys writing about business and making money doing it.

In 2013, Robert joined in Rockville, MD, as a staff writer.

Recent Articles

Risk vs Reward: Which Marijuana Stocks Have the Most to Gain or Lose

The in-motion legalization of medical marijuana makes it tough to pin down which marijuana stock to add to your portfolio, and when.

The World Cup Effect: Will Brazil’s Investment Pay Off?

Brazil stocks are going strong despite wasteful spending on the World Cup. Here's what you should know about the emerging market.

Why Google Will Drive Tesla’s Cars and Stock in the Near Future

Tesla needs to boost EV adoption, while GOOG needs its driverless cars on the road. So why not team up?

TWTR: Why Twitter Stock Has Regained Ground

Twitter stock has taken a beating this year, but has at least been on a mini run over the last month. What's propelling TWTR higher?

Friend or Foe – Marijuana Stocks and the Tobacco Industry

Are medical marijuana companies stocks to buy now? Or should you be looking toward the potential future kings of marijuana -- Big Tobacco?