Sarah Edwards

Sarah Edwards

Expertise: Trading Advice, Trading Education, Trading Opportunities and Strategy

Sarah Edwards has been passionate about financial literacy and helping others conquer their money woes. She has a knack for breaking down complex financial topics in words that make sense to the average reader. Sarah regularly covers trading, personal finance, investing, credit, debt, insurance, cryptocurrencies and small businesses.

Recent Articles

Simple Trading Strategies: 5 Rules for Buying Great Stocks

Looking to start investing in the stock market? Check out these five simple trading strategies to help you get started the right way.

Opening Your Options Trading Account: Everything You Need to Know

Options trading can be a great way to pursue growth while preserving profits. But before you start, you need to open an options trading account. Here’s how.

4 Options Trading Myths Busted

Options trading can be a great way to turn profits, but it’s highly misunderstood. Before you dive in, check out these common options trading myths.

Reading Options Tickers and Options Chains

Getting into options trading is a difficult venture, and one of the toughest parts is understanding how to read options chains. Learn how to do it in minutes.

7 Reasons to Make Options Trading Part of Your Portfolio

Looking to revitalize your portfolio and maximize potential profits? Options trading can help you do it. Here’s why you should consider investing in options.